“...Another Day Older And Slugmen Attack” [DCC RPG Funnel]
Being a History of The Adventure of Goblins Enslaved To Work An Abandoned Salt Mine “ A half-moon ago, the big hairy mans attacked your home and deaded your friends and made you go to the salty place and do the hardwork . They chained you to each other and said "cut-the-salt-and-bring-it-out" and were bad, bad-bad so you cut the salt and stayed in the cave and be scared . To-day there were so many more big hairy mans outside the cave and it was scary when they said "go-in-the-sun-and-load-wagons-stupid" but you did it all day and there was still more salt so night came and you still loading up salt with goblin friends, all sore. Then! The mans stop everything and act real scared then, at night, and there were arrows that hit everywhere from the dark where they can't see but we can and oh-no! it's not more goblin friends coming to save you it's angry slugmans!! they don't want hairy mans to have all the salt that hurts them so much! So ...